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Aug 14, 2023

Self-Driving Cars Can Make Traffic Slower

“Connected” vehicles, which share data with each other, improve travel time through intersections – but automated vehicles can actually slow down travel time if they are not connected to each other.

Jul 20, 2023

NC State CALS Student Explores Biofuel at National Laboratory

This summer, biological and agricultural engineering major Paige Seibert is learning how to turn carbon dioxide into biofuel at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado.

Jun 23, 2023

Rob Handfield Addresses Why China Dominates the World’s EV Supply Chain

Poole College professor Rob Handfield discusses the world’s reliance on China for electric vehicle batteries and what the U.S. needs to gain a competitive edge.

Jun 14, 2023

Are Electric Vehicles As Green As We Think? Rob Handfield Weighs In

Poole College professor Rob Handfield discusses how the demand for ‘green metals’ used in electric vehicle battery manufacturing far exceeds global supply and today’s known reserves.

Mar 29, 2023

The 2023 Energy Preview Now Available

We are thrilled to announce the release of our inaugural Energy Preview, available here for download. The Energy Preview was launched by the NC State Energy Collaborative in the Fall of…

Feb 10, 2023

A Clean Burn

Most of the energy we use for our daily needs – turning on the heat or driving a car, for example – comes from the combustion, or burning, of fossil…

a sports car is parked on a city street and is plugged in to an electric vehicle charging station

Oct 17, 2022

New Approach Would Improve User Access to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The goal of the dynamic computational tool is to make EVs more attractive for drivers.

Parking space features sign specifying it is for charging electric vehicles only

Jun 6, 2022

New Model Finds Best Sites for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The model also determines how powerful the station can be without placing an undue burden on the local power grid.

illustration shows the layout of a solar powered system that turns hydrogen-carrying liquid into hydrogen gas

May 23, 2022

New Tech Aims to Drive Down Costs of Hydrogen Fuel

The new tech for extracting hydrogen gas from liquid carriers is faster, less expensive than previous approaches.

Oct 3, 2018

New Electric Car Charger is More Efficient, 10 Times Smaller Than Current Tech

A new electric vehicle fast charger is at least 10 times smaller than existing systems and wastes 60 percent less power during the charging process, without sacrificing the charging time.