RTEC Energy Storage Workshop
The workshop is targeted at leading PIs from Research Triangle Energy Consortium (RTEC) members that are conducting research highly relevant to electrochemical energy storage. To help seed the thinking, there will be keynote speakers from DOE that will help establish the landscape for opportunities and emerging needs in energy storage. These keynotes will be followed by presentations highlighting some of the regional capabilities relevant to energy storage. To help turn this information into an actionable strategy, attendees will break into small groups to brainstorm on the opportunities and approaches to combine forces. More details on the
agenda are provided below.
Agenda as of June 22, 2011
1. Introduction and Welcome
2. Keynote Speakers – Minimum of 2 Speakers to set the stage for opportunities in energy storage
Tien Duong (DoE)
One other to be arranged
3. Technology Presentations from RTEC Members
Duke – Jeff Glass Group
NCSU – Wesley Henderson
UNC – Tom Meyer
4. Perspectives on Technology and Potential Opportunities – John Neman
5. Breakout Session 1: Break into teams to brainstorm how to leverage RTC capabilities to address the need for better electrochemical storage in Smart Grid systems and other emerging technologies requiring energy storage
6. Report Back and Discussion of Breakout 1
7. Breakout Session 2
8. Report Back and Discussion of Breakout 2: Refinement of ideas
9. Path Forward/Next Steps
10. Adjourn
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