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Jan 19, 2024

Celebrating 40 years of excellence

Since their inception, the Minority Engineering Programs (MEP) have focused on developing and delivering support services that assist in recruiting, retaining and graduating Black, Native American and Latinx/e and Hispanic American students in the NC State University College of Engineering.

Jan 19, 2024

Engineer your experience

Through the Engineer Your Experience (EYE) Program, undergraduate engineering students can make opportunities their realities. EYE funding supports study abroad, professional development, conferences and workshops, service trips, technical certifications and more.

Jan 19, 2024

DOE grant brings renewed energy to NC State COE in more ways than one

Nothing energizes the engineering community like fusion. Scientists have seen fusion startups crop up around the country in recent years as fusion becomes less of an experimental, fundamental science program and more of an energy program.

Jan 19, 2024

Maya Clinton is the first Black woman to graduate from her program, but not the last

Clinton graduated from NC State in May 2023 with a dual degree from both universities in physics and mechanical engineering. During her time at NC State, she was an engineering ambassador and did undergraduate research.

Jan 19, 2024

Asheville-based mechatronics engineering program produces well-rounded engineers and a close community

Mechatronics engineering, a combination of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, offers students a breadth of skills and knowledge that prepares them for careers in a wide range of industries, especially in increasingly automated fields.

Dec 19, 2023

ME grad is ready to make the world a greener place

Unlike so many college students, Caleb Jolley, mechanical engineering ‘23, always knew he wanted to go into engineering. He just wasn’t quite sure what that looked like.

Dec 15, 2023

Carbon Electronics Cluster Co-directors Named to Highly Cited Researchers List

Harald Ade, Goodnight Innovation Distinguished Professor of Physics, and Aram Amassian, University Faculty Scholar and professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, have been named to an annual list of the world’s most highly cited researchers.

Dec 11, 2023

Holiday Savings Ahead

Explore NC State’s Holiday Energy Savings Initiative and learn the small steps you can take to significantly reduce energy consumption and expenses.

Jul 12, 2023

Faculty Clusters Fuel a Culture of Excellence at NC State

The Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program has driven interdisciplinary success at NC State for more than a decade. Now university leaders are investing in a new phase of interdisciplinary growth.

Feb 13, 2023

Chiral Phonons Create Spin Current Without Needing Magnetic Materials

Chiral phonons can convert wasted heat into spin – without needing magnetic materials to do it.